Details of stalls for 2025 Fair
This is a directory, like Yellow Pages (TM), of the stalls that are located on the Borough Greens, in the Produce Market or in the Memorial Gardens. Either search the descriptions of the stalls OR click a category (type of stall) OR its location (Zone). Clicking the title of the stall will display more details. NB – Types of stalls and features of stalls tagged as High Risk are indicated in the ‘Who’s Here’ stalls directory by double ** in their names. Medium Risk by a single *. New stalls will have a +.
Zone Layouts
Orange [starts at The Bull Hotel]
Blue [path to car parking]
Yellow includes Downton Band and First Aid. Opposite are the
Memorial Gardens including Rural Crafts Demonstrations
Red with marquee
White includes Information Centre and access to the Produce Market
Purple includes Maypole and marquee
Interactive Map