Policies, Terms and Conditions

We have updated our Health and Safety policies and the associated regulations, terms and conditions.  NB the latest versions will always be on the web site.

These documents use a generic term ‘Merchant’ this is defined as everyone who has a stall, provides entertainment or provides a service to the Downton Cuckoo Fair ie all contractors, stallholders, entertainers, produce market, fairground operators, caterers and other participants.

Downton Cuckoo Fair Limited Company Health & Safety Policy [Last updated Nov 2019 v4]

Downton Cuckoo Fair Event Health and Safety Policy [Last updated Oct 2022 v7]

Downton Cuckoo Fair Event Terms and Conditions [Last updated Oct 2022 v8]

Downton Cuckoo Fair Event Supplemental Terms and Conditions [Last updated Oct 2022 v8]

Downton Cuckoo Fair Event Health & Safety Risk Assessment pro-forma [Added Oct 2022 v8]

Downton Cuckoo Fair Event Health & Safety Checklist [Last updated March 2022 v6]

By placing a booking all merchants agree to our terms and conditions.

What Documentation Do I Need?

Whether you come to fair as a food stall, bar, non-food stall, charity or club/society, you are operating as a legitimate business and as such have to comply with current legislation.  Regardless of whether or not you are selling a product or service to the public, you will need documentation in place, some of which will be requested in advance of the Fair. To include, but not exclusively:

  • Public and Employers Liability Insurance Certificates.  See Terms and Conditions for details of limits.
  • Health & Safety Documentation (Policies, Risk Assessments including COVID-19 Risk Assessment and if required a Fire Risk Assessment, Training Records etc.)
  • PAT Test Certification for all electrical equipment
  • Gas Safety Certificates (where applicable)
  • Written Scheme of Examination for all pressurized Systems (including coffee machines)
  • Food Safety Management System (Safer food, better business – SFBB, The Nationwide Caterers Association – NCASS, COOKSAFE or similar)
  • Food Hygiene Training Certificate (food handlers only)
  • Food traders, caterers and bars MUST be registered with their Local Authority ie have a valid FHRS entry and/or a TEN licence for alcohol sales
  • Specialist traders, eg Fairgrounds, have their own specific requirements which are summarised in the table below.

If you’re a volunteer organisation or a charity group then have a look at https://www.food.gov.uk/safety-hygiene/providing-food-at-community-and-charity-events

This table is a summary – the definitive details are in the Terms & Conditions documents listed above.

All others
  • Details of public liability insurance
    (via booking form)
Bring copies of the documents you sent us and:

  • Certificate of public liability insurance
  • Risk assessment
Food – Prepared
This includes all stalls selling food for consumption after the fair [Medium Risk *]
  • Details of public liability insurance
    (via booking form)
Bring copies of the documents you sent us and:

  • Certificate of public liability insurance
  • Risk assessment
  • Local Authority Food Hygiene Registration Scheme Rating
Food – selling alcohol for drinking
[High Risk **]
  • Certificate of public liability insurance
  • Wiltshire Council TENs licence
Bring copies of the documents you sent us and:

  • Risk assessment
Food – Catered
This includes all stalls cooking and serving food for immediate consumption at the fair.  The food can be hot or cold eg ice-cream.  [High Risk **]
  • Certificate of public liability insurance
  • Risk assessment
  • Local Authority Food Hygiene Registration Scheme Rating
Bring copies of the documents you sent us
[High Risk **]
  • Certificate of public liability insurance
  • Membership of trade body
  • Risk assessment for each ride
  • ADIPS Declaration of Operational Compliance (DOC) for each ride
  • Photos of generator setup including fuel cans
Bring copies of the documents you sent us and:

  • Operators Manual for each ride

This is the documentation to be provided according to the features of the stall.

Stall has electrical equipment
[High Risk **]
  • In date electrical certificate for each piece of electrical equipment
Bring copies of the documents you sent us
Stall has open fire – numbers strictly controlled
[High Risk **]
  • Request permission at time of booking
  • Fire extinguisher certificate(s)
Bring copies of the documents you sent us
Stall has running engine eg generator or ice cream van  [High Risk **]
  • Fire extinguisher certificate(s)
Bring copies of the documents you sent us
Stall uses helium gas stored in a compressed form in a cylinder – explosive risk   [High Risk **]
  • Request permission at time of booking
Stall uses combustible gas stored in a compressed form in a cylinder ie LPG, butane,  etc  [High Risk **]
  • Gas Safe certificate for each piece of gas equipment
  • Fire extinguisher certificate(s)
Bring copies of the documents you sent us


  1. Types of stalls and features of stalls tagged as High Risk are indicated in the ‘Who’s Here’ stalls directory by double ** in their names.  Medium Risk by a single *.
  2. For continuously running engines the additional fuel containers (eg Jerry cans / gas cylinders) must be stored away from the engine.  Fuel containers must also be secured to prevent tampering or falling over.
  3. For fire extinguishers – these should also be stored away from sources of fire eg engines/LPG/cookers etc.  Preferably outside of the vehicle so that it can be used if the engine caught fire

When and Where do I send the Documents?

Application Forms and the booking details must be sent to our Booking Manager as per the details on the application form.

Documentation and certificates as outlined above must be sent to the Compliance Manager, on email to risk@cuckoofair.co.uk.  We appreciate that the Cuckoo Fair is one of the earliest Fair’s in the year however if you could send us your documents before the cut-off date then that would make our volunteer’s work a lot easier.  The deadlines for sending us the documents and certificates are:

Re-invitees who are contacted in November End of January
New stall-holders who are contacted January onwards End of February