Web Directory Details


Do NOT Complete this form UNTIL you have sent us your Booking Form & Fee.  Your details will not be on the web-site until those steps have been done and so there will be nothing to be updated!


  1. Provide details for all fields as we’ll do a complete cut and paste onto the web site.
  2. Note, and note again the details about name, phone, post code etc are provided so we can find your stall among the 100s in our records.  If you need to update these please contact the relevant Booking Manager:  Update stalls/Fairground/Memorial GardensUpdate Produce Market
  3. Do not use the ~ character.
  4. If providing web sites, facebook or twitter details again please provide a complete hyperlink as we do not look up your details eg username/Twitter handles to get the full hyperlink

You’ll get an email with the details you’ve submitted.


    Please confirm your contact details

    These are used to find your listing in the web directory.
    If you need to update these please contact the relevant Booking Manager:  Update stalls/Fairground/Memorial GardensUpdate Produce Market

    Please provide details/updates for the website directory